Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just another Miracle in Casa de Dom Inacio, Brazil

Archangel Gabriel, by Karisma
On Friday, December 17th, just another miracle in the Casa.

The Entity, Dr. Augusto de Almeida, incorporated into the body of John of God, and performed a number of operations. Though we must keep our eyes shut, while the current session is going, sometimes the Entity allows us to open the eyes and watch an operation. So was the case that day.

I opened my eyes, and saw a tiny woman in an orange dress, next to the towering figure of John of God in Entity. He said, "Now I want you to see what is the Power of God. You are completely blind, right?" The woman answered, "Yes". The Entity ordered her to walk to the door which was about 10 m in front of her. She started walking with the insecure steps, but then bolder and bolder, and upon reaching the door, she turn around and faced the meditators. I could see her eyes, and the confused expression of someone who got his sight for the first time. She was completely overwhelmed, but I could see that she begun to SEE for the fist time in her life. I was moved to tears, and so were many others present, I could hear even loud weeping. So then the lucky lady turned and begun moving towards the Entity, like a child, with open arms... He held her, placed his fingers lightly on her eyes, and blew gently.... then commanded the assisting volunteers, "Take her away, she is going to faint". They rushed the wheel chair towards her and caught her in the last moment. She was carried away into her new life full of light and colors.

Just wanted to let you know, that these kind of events happen in Abadiania daily. Healings happen all the time. Have faith, have love, God bless you all.

To book your trip to John of God in Abadiania, go to

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